You’re right. You’re scared it will never be right. You’re tired of living in hell and you keep repeating, “I don’t know what to say.” It’s good that you want to get out. Are you willing to think about what to avoid?
Do not let your situation define who you are, whether as a parent, spouse, or partner.
Hell isn’t a very pleasant place to be. It is. What about all the scumbags?
You wouldn’t want to live there.
How does hell look?
It’s important to paint a picture of hell for someone who is struggling with anxiety or mood symptoms.
It is a reference point and a connection.
This is a part of the description that a woman sent me a few years ago.
I’m almost 25, but I still feel like a little child. Sometimes I can’t even get out of bed in the morning. My blanket or pillow is all I can reach for and I think that I’ll be safe if I remain in bed.
Have you ever painted a picture like this?
More intricate paintings
We’ll take it to the next level with an even more complex painting.
Your life has fallen apart. You are overwhelmed by unrelenting anxiety, a snake’s stomach mood, intrusive, frightening thoughts, physical phenomena that seem to be out of the blue, hair-trigger nervousness, and intense fears.
You’re in a financial mess and don’t know how you will keep your job. If you are fired, you will not be motivated to find another job.
Your motivation has slowed down.
Bottom line: You want to be like my email friend – grab your blanket or pillow, and stay in bed.
What do you think of that painting? It’s you!