You’ve become runaway train if you are relying on adrenaline to get through the day. Even if there was an infinite supply of fuel available, you would eventually run out tracks. It’s time to slow down.
Or we can slow down and avoid a physical, mental or emotional crisis. We can either slow down the process or we can stop it altogether.
It’s a great way to live. Millions of us know it all too well…
Unable to or unwilling to sit still. Chronic nervousness and clumsiness. Massive hits of inattention. Rapid shifting between tasks. Bouncing around as if on a pinball. Little to no sleep..
What are you doing?
Why am I unable to slow down?
Why would anyone of us run through life fueled by adrenaline and momentum?
There could be many factors at play. Just to name a few…
- A mental or physical disorder, whether it is undiagnosed or incorrectly treated.
- Run away from someone or something. Moving targets are much more difficult to hit.
- An isolation maneuver. What better way to keep pain and people at bay than by isolating them?
- No idea what life is all about.
- The risk of living on the run is less than confronting feelings that are located neck-down.
- We can control who sees our pathetic self and how long.
You can probably think of more.
A reality that can change your life
It’s true that our seemingly limitless fuel supply lets us continue to roll down the track. A life-changing reality is on the horizon.