All we do is driven by our self-esteem. We also hit bottom when it does. It’s not uncommon for this to happen, which is a serious problem. Low self-esteem? Beware of the two-headed monster
In our minds, we are exactly what we believe all day – worthless.
Depression, anxiety and mania are all characterized by disappointments, expectations, blame, guilt and shame.
It is no wonder that those of us who suffer from a mood disorder or anxiety disorder often have low self-esteem.
The two-headed monster of low self-esteem
Low self-esteem can be a vicious two-headed monster. Each noggin feeds the other.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist…
The low self-esteem is generated by our mental and emotional wiring. In response, the other head dumps an even bigger load.
The vicious cycle is endless.
It is only by changing our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that we can defend ourselves. It only comes with acceptance and insight.
This is how you can neutralize the monster with two heads.
Engage, assess, and monitor
Even if you have a plan, neutralizing a threat is not easy.
Here’s the bottom line. We’ll be humiliated if that two-headed beast is not assessed, engaged and monitored.
Low self-esteem can spread quickly and wreaking havoc on our mental health, making it even worse.
It’s difficult enough to deal with the world when you’re suffering from backbreaking symptoms. When the two-headed monster beats its chest, it’s hard to get out of the hole.
Ready to Change
Ralph Waldo Emerson, a 19th-century philosopher and essayist.
The man is what he believes all day.
You’re right, aren’t you? By the way, this is true for women as well. We end up walking with our chins pressed against our chests because we feel that there is nothing redeemable about us.
In our minds, we are exactly what we believe all day – worthless.